cherche chanson en urgence?
2007-05-22 13:25:12 UTC
salut a tous je cherche cette chanson c'est comme une sorte de trompette de la video elle a ètais mis dans un jeu video aider moi svp
Dix réponses:
2007-05-22 13:33:27 UTC
si tu parles de la musique en fin de video il s agit de georges michael: "papa was a rolling stone"

l original est des temptations.
2007-05-22 20:30:29 UTC
c'est shaft va voir là
2007-05-26 14:36:34 UTC
je confirme, papa was a rolling stone !
béatrice b.
2007-05-26 14:19:54 UTC
c'est SHAFTT.... sans aucun doute
Peter Rumba
2007-05-23 02:10:12 UTC
"Papa was a rolling stone" The Temptations.

La video ici,

Ben il manque plus que les paroles

It was the third of September.

That day I'll always remember, yes I will.

'Cause that was the day that my daddy died.

I never got a chance to see him.

Never heard nothing but bad things about him.

Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the truth.

And Mama just hung her head and said,

"Son, Papa was a rolling stone.

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone."

"Papa was a rolling stone, my son.

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone."

Well, well

Hey Mama, is it true what they say,

that Papa never worked a day in his life?

And Mama, some bad talk going around town

saying that Papa had three outside children and another wife.

And that ain't right.

Hey, talk about Papa doing some store front preaching.

Talked about saving souls and all the time leeching.

Dealing in debt and stealing in the name of the Lord.

Mama just hung her head and said,

"Papa was a rolling stone, my son.

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone."

"Hey, Papa was a rolling stone.

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone."


Hey Mama, I heard Papa called himself a jack of all trades.

Tell me is that what sent Papa to an early grave?

Folks say Papa would beg, borrow, steal to pay his bills.

Hey Mama, folks say that Papa was never much on thinking.

Spent most of his life chasing women and drinking.

Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the truth.

And Mama looked up with a tear in her eye and said,

"Son, Papa was a rolling stone. (Well, well, well, well)

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone, lone, lone, lone, alone."

"Papa was a rolling stone.

Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone."

"I said, Papa was a rolling stone. Wherever he laid his hat was his home.

(And when he died) All he left us was alone."
2007-05-22 23:35:44 UTC
C'est l'original des TEMPTATIONS: Papa was a rolling stones",

je viens de ressortir le vinyl, 33 T, c'est dans la version longue.
2007-05-22 21:08:08 UTC
je pense qu'il s'agit même de l'original des temptations, j'ai pas entendu la voix, mais pour le reste (la guitare wah wah et la trompette) ça colle parfaitement

l'original de ce morceau est sur l'album "all directions" elle fait plus de 11 minutes, mais il y a des versions éditées plus courtes (format single)

je ne connais pas la version de george michael, donc je peux pas dire avec certitude que c'est les temptations, mais ça y ressemble bcp en tout cas

je te conseille les autres productions de Norman Whitfield pour la motown (les temptations, undisputed truth, edwin starr)

il ne s'agit pas, même si ça ressemble un peu, de Shaft (d'isaac hayes)
2007-05-22 21:01:37 UTC
Je croi aussi que c George Michel
2007-05-22 20:38:20 UTC
ça me fait penser a "Jestofunk"...
2007-05-22 20:33:20 UTC

tu m'ennerve c tres connu ca!!!

je vais pas dormir de la nuit!!!

bon, tu vas essayer de trouver ca... je c pas moi cherche sur le site du jeu la bande originale, elle doit exister....

et vite stp parce que je vais vraiment pas dormir par ta faute!!!

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